Following a call for EOIs for Documenting the adoption of Natural Resource Management (NRM) practices, a subset of 25 researchers were invited to participate in a workshop in Rome in December 2015. The goal of this particular SIAC activity is to demonstrate the viability of systematically tracking and documenting the outcomes from NRM research, using a multiplicity of approaches to estimate current levels of adoption of a subset of high-priority NRM practices. The central objective of the December 2015 workshop was to broker credible and feasible collaborations across a number of interested parties that SPIA judges to have a comparative advantage in contributing to this work. Preliminary results of recent work co-funded by SPIA and LSMS was also presented, which comprises field-testing of new protocols (notably drones and remote sensing) to estimate adoption levels of certain NRM practices (e.g. soil cover as relevant to conservation agriculture) in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Workshop Agenda and List of Participants (PDF)

Associated IMPACT blog entries here and here