Following the inception workshop for epIAs of widely-adopted CGIAR innovations in July 2015 at IFPRI, this workshop brings the seven study teams together to present their work over 2015-2016, results achieved to date, and discuss lessons learned and challenged encountered.

Workshop Agenda and List of Participants (PDF)


  • Session 1 – Study on “Adoption and Diffusion of C88 Potato Variety in China: Spatial Variability of Productivity Gains and Cost Savings and Value Chain Development” [Guy Hareau and Jeff Alwang]
  • Session 2 – Study on “Assessing the impacts of improved cassava varieties on food security and poverty reduction in Nigeria” [Tahirou Abdoulaye and Tesfamicheal Assfaw]
  • Session 3 – Study on “Adoption of improved lentil varieties in Bangladesh: comparison between expert estimates, nationally representative farm household survey and DNA fingerprinting” [Aden Aw-Hassan]
  • Session 4 - Study on “A Systematic and Global Assessment of the impact of CG technologies on Poverty” [Simla Tokgoz]
  • Session 5 – Study on “Using Global Agricultural, Health and Demographic Datasets to Identify the Impacts of CGIAR’s Modern Seed Varieties Since 1960s” [Gordon McCord and Ram Fishman]
  • Session 6 – Study on “Adoption of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) twenty years after release to industry: A GIFT that keeps on giving?” [John Benzie]
  • Session 7 – Study on “Measuring the impact of IFPRI’s research on Strengthening Food Policy through Intra-Household Analysis on the behavior of international NGOs (INGOs)” [Barbara Huddleston]