
The ISPC is facilitating System-wide agreement on the nature and assessment of quality of research for development (QoR4D), and a working group on QoR4D was established in 2016 under ISPC chairmanship. The consultative process led to a consensus that QoR4D in the CGIAR context should be viewed as an integrated whole of four key elements: relevance, scientific credibility, legitimacy and effectiveness that could be the basis for a common frame of reference across the System.

This Brief highlights case studies from different CGIAR entities and provides an overview of key considerations and suggested approaches for designing, implementing, assessing and managing QoR4D at each level, from Center/CGIAR Research Program (CRP) to performance management for individual scientists.



ISPC. (2017). Quality of Research for Development in the CGIAR Context, Brief N. 62. Rome: Independent Science and Partnership Council.