
This Evaluation was the first comprehensive assessment of partnerships in CGIAR and it focused particularly on the extent the 2009 CGIAR reform has led to strengthening of strategic partnerships.

The evaluation drew to the extent possible on the findings of the completed CRP evaluations relating to partnerships (2013-2015), on the recent Guidance paper by the ISPC on “Good practice in AR4D partnership” (2015), on the CGIAR Stakeholders Perception Survey conducted by the Consortium Office (2012) and work conducted by the Institutional Learning and Change Initiative (ILAC), which includes CRP network mapping.

The Evaluation highlighted the role partnerships have historically played in CGIAR, and found that the reform has had positive effects.  Main findings include evidence of more strategic relationships with an increased number of partners, illustrated by more explicit roles and clearly defined responsibilities.  For private-public partnerships, the Evaluation found ambiguity in understanding the strategy and methods of engagement with the private sector, which has a role both in the enhancement of science and delivery.

Recommendations focused on linking partnership strategies with research strategies, optimizing partnership models, addressing resource issues that influence partnerships and partners’ roles in managing research. The Evaluation recommended that the strategic role of multi-stakeholder partnerships be explored and guidance be prepared for engaging in public-private partnerships. It was recommended that CGIAR at the System level clarifies how partnerships are expected to be funded and what are the implications of current funding trends on partnerships. The Evaluation also recommended better staring of experiences about partnerships across CGIAR and more closely involving NARS with requisite capacity and commitment in research management.

A video summarizing the findings and recommendations from the evaluation of Partnerships in CGIAR can be found below:

CGIAR Partnership Evaluation from IEA on Vimeo.